
  • Expressed in YAML format. Aim is to be human readable with a minimum of syntax.
  • Composed of 'plays' in a list
  • Plays operate on hosts and execute tasks on them
  • Plays run in the order specified in the playbook - top to bottom


  • hosts line is a list of one or more groups or host patterns. Can select the order in which the hosts are run from some predefined choices.
  • remote_user is the name of the user account - can also be defined per task
  • Tasks List - executed in order against all machines matched by the host pattern.
  • Handlers - Notify is triggered once at the end of each block of tasks in a play. If nothing notifies a handler then it will not run. Handlers can listen to topics and tasks notify these topics. This is useful for 3rd party roles to decouple handlers from their names - as if two handlers exist with the same name then only one will be run.
  • Can run playbook with --syntax-check flag to verify that playbok is syntactically correct.
  • Ansible uses Jinja2 templating e.g. "NaN"
  • Before running tasks Ansible will gather facts about the system it is to provision. These begin with ansible_ and are globally available to use anywhere that variables can be used.

Reusable playbooks

  • import - static - preprocessed at playbook parsing time
  • include - dynamic - processed at runtime when task is encountered
  • include is better for looping as the task will be executed once for each item in the loop
  • include limitations - tags and tasks don't show up in list output. Can't notify a handler which only exists in a dynamic include
  • import limitations - loops cannot be used. Variables from inventory sources cannot be used.


  • import_playbooks, include_playbooks
  • import_tasks, include_tasks
  • import_roles, include_roles


  • Can be defined in playbooks and roles
  • Facts are variables that are discovered, not set by the user - fact gathering can be turned off if not needed. Can add user supplied facts using facts.d.
  • Don't use names that conflict with attributes and methods of Python dictionaries
  • Can use register to save the result of a module into a variable. These are then valid for the remainder of the playbook run.
  • Can use external variables file to separate sensitive variables from rest of source
  • Extra variables can be passed on the command line using --extra-vars.


  • when: clauses can be used to conditionally execute tasks
  • This takes a raw Jinja2 expression without the curly braces


  • Can use loop: tag with a list
  • Can use query to return the list
  • Can use do until loops to handle retries
  • Can use register to capture all output from the loop
  • Ansible sets the variable item for each iteration of the loop

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