Configuring Tmux

Tmux Config file

  • ~/.tmux.conf is the user's tmux config file. Can also have a global one in the /etc/ folder
  • Can define new shortcuts
  • Can set up default environments

Changing the config of a running session

  • Reload config file using source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Suggested Configuration Changes

  • set command sets a option (short for set-option). Use the -g flag to make it global for all tmux sessions.
  • set -g prefix C-a. Remap PREFIX to an easier key. Ctrl-a is easier to hit especially if you have remapped Caps Lock to Ctrl (and you have done that haven't you?). Unbind the existing prefix using unbind C-b.
    • bind C-a send-prefix will allow us to send Ctrl-a to an application by pressing it twice.
  • Tmux adds a small delay when sending commands. To make this more responsive use set -sg escape-time 1.
  • Having 0 based windows and pages isn't great considering the layout of the number keys on a keyboard. We can make the indexes start from 1 by adding setw -g base-index 1 and setw -g pane-base-index 1 to our ~/.tmux.conf file. Note that these commands use setw which is short for set-window-option
  • Turn the mouse off using setw -g mode-mouse off. It is better in the long run as the mouse will only slow you down.

Suggested Shortcut Changes

  • Can create new PREFIX <char> shortcuts using the bind <char> <commands> format.
  • For example to bind ctrl-r to reload your tmux.conf file you can use bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf
  • Can add a display command to show in the status line that something was done e.g. bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded!"
  • Can use bind with the -n prefix to create a binding that does not require the tmux PREFIX. However this will disable that binding for any application that's running in a tmux session so be very careful with this.
  • bind C-a send-prefix - use this to be able to send ctrl-a to an application by presssing ctrl-a twice.

Pane and Window Movement Shortcuts

  • To spliting panes easier we remap these to use the | and - keys to create the appropriate split bind | split-window -h and bind - split-window -v

To make navigation between windows more VIM like we can remap the keys for moving between panes to hjkl.

bind h select-pane -L
bind j select-pane -D
bind k select-pane -U
bind l select-pane -R

We can also bind ctrl-h and ctrl-l to navigate between windows. Add these lines to the ~/.tmux.conf file.

bind -r C-h select-window -t :-
bind -r C-l select-window -t :+

Pane Resizing Shortcuts

  • To resize a pane we can use the resize-pane command passing either -U, -D, -L, -R to specify the direction.
  • To make this easier use the following rebindings. The -r flag makes the command repeatable so we can repeat the command by repeatedly pressing the key within 500 milliseconds.
    bind -r H resize-pane -L 5
    bind -r J resize-pane -D 5
    bind -r K resize-pane -U 5
    bind -r L resize-pane -R 5

Visual Styling

  • Make sure the correct color mode is set in Tmux. set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
  • This still didn't work for me so I needed to pass the -2 argument to tmux when starting e.g. tmux -2 attach
  • From vim to verify that this is working I used the Xterm Color Table plugin.

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