Destroy All Software Screencasts

I recently subscribed to Gary Bernhardt's Destroy All Software screencasts. I found these absolutely fantastic. There are only about ten to fifteen minutes each in length so it's no hassle to find the time to watch them. However they cover a lot in the short time.

They are mostly Ruby and in particular Rails focused but the topics are applicable to any software programming. For example, I've really learned a great deal about TDD from watching this.

The Github archive is useful, especially the Suck/Rocks Rails app. His Git config file is also really handy and I really like his log formatting. I would have liked to see him post a larger sample Rails app to Github (or for the ultimate in wishful thinking - the code for the Destroy All Software site). It would expand upon how his ideas work when confronted with the complexity and messiness of a real world system.

Overall I highly recommend the series for any programmer regardless of what language you are using. Unfortunately I believe he's stopping soon but you get access to the entire back catalog with a subscription and they're well worth it.

posted on February 27, 2013development


By year

  1. 2020 (14)
  2. 2019 (17)
  3. 2018 (2)
  4. 2017 (11)
  5. 2016 (3)
  6. 2015 (6)
  7. 2014 (3)
  8. 2013 (11)
  9. 2012 (25)